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16 Montana youth, ages ranging from 5 to 22, are suing Montana for violating its constitutional obligation to fight and protect against climate change. The Montana Constitution directly states that its citizens have the right to a “clean and healthful environment.” Held v. Montana is the first of its kind, and the judge will hear…
Yellowstone National Park send an notification through the park’s Road Alert text and email system. A section of the East Entrance Road between the East Entrance and Pelican Valley will close June 12 12pm-2pm to mitigate a road condition. This is a brief, almost non-event compared to around this time last year. On June 13,…
Summer is a time for vacations, cookouts, and parades. And reading. Wait, what? Reading as a summertime activity? Yes, according to Karen Horner who is the Park County Library director. the library is offering their summer reading program for kids and adults and they’ve come up with another fun program to get kids to read…
Each and every year, people from all over come to Cody, Wyoming for the annual Stampede Parade which is held on July 3rd and 4th to celebrate America’s Independence Day. The Cody Stampede Parade is know the world over for being one of the best parades to attend, not only in the state, but the…
Saudi Arabia is slashing oil supply. It could mean higher gas prices for US drivers By DAVID McHUGH AP Business Writer FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) — Saudi Arabia will reduce how much oil it sends to the global economy, taking a unilateral step to prop up the sagging price of crude after two previous cuts to…
Walgreens is radically changing the footprint of at least one store in Chicago in reaction to numerous recent events where people are brazenly coming into the pharmacy chain and blatantly shoplifting numerous items off the shelves and walking out of the store with handfuls or shopping bags full of inventory. But will drastic changes come…

The Biden-Harris Administration is announcing a historic conservation proposal that will protect the most important water system in the western United States. The Department of the Interior is slated to enact efforts to protect the stability and sustainability of the Colorado River System now and into the future. As part of the Department’s continued efforts to address…
A bill that raises the debt ceiling limit passed in the House by a wide margin late Wednesday. Now the bill is being sent to the Senate for a vote, just days before Monday’s U.S. default deadline. The Fiscal Responsibility Act passed 314-117, with support from both Democrats and Republicans. But not everyone is happy with…