Backyard Hammock Becomes Moose Weekend Plans | Big Horn Basin Media

Backyard Hammock Becomes Moose Weekend Plans

Written by on October 12, 2020

Us Wyomingites know that at any moment your front yard bush could be victim to some deer nibbles here and their. But a Moose? That would more than likely be a chomp than a nibble.

Out in Utah, a family in Park City found a moose in their yard and their was no eating of any sort going on. Rather, this moose just wanted a relaxing afternoon lay on the hammock.

The family said that, “These moose wandered into our backyard at about 9:00 a.m. One of them was fascinated by our hammock.” As you see in the video, it is true as the youngster seems to enamored with the rhythm of the swinging.

Their are times that this hasn’t had the playful fun outcome. If you recall, in Wyoming last year their was a moose that ended up having to be electrocuted to get the animal out at all. Thankfully, this turned out to just be a pleasant surprise.


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