Be Prepared for Yellowstone | Big Horn Basin Media

Be Prepared for Summer in Yellowstone

Written by on July 3, 2018

This holiday, Yellowstone National Park rangers ask all park visitors to arrive in the park prepared for a safe, pleasurable, and rewarding experience.
They offer some tips to protect yourself and the park, such as planning for extra time when traveling from place to place. Park Officials point out that visitors can expect limited parking, traffic congestion and delays, especially when wildlife is on or near the roadway.
Plan ahead, as campgrounds and lodges fill early; especially during summer. Drive responsibly, and observe park speed limits. Watch out for distracted drivers, and use pullouts to watch wildlife or take photos.
Consider your safety – view wildlife from a safe distance, stay on trails and boardwalks in thermal areas, and hike in groups, making noise, carrying bear spray and knowing how to use it.
And also, keep in mind that fireworks are not allowed in the park.

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