Big Horn Basin Media Announces Top 5 Singers In The National Anthem Contest | Big Horn Basin Media

Big Horn Basin Media Announces Top 5 Singers In The National Anthem Contest

Written by on June 22, 2023

Congratulations to our winners of Big Horn Basin Media‘s National Anthem contest have been chosen.  Thank you to the people who logged on to our website and voted for their favorite performance.  Out of 13 amazing contestants who did an outstanding job of singing the National Anthem, the votes are in and we have selected the Top 5 vote-getters.

The Top 5 winners will have the thrilling honor of performing their rendition of the Star Spangled Banner at the Cody Stampede in front of an enormous crowd seated in the rodeo stands before the night of high-intense, fast-paced action of bucking broncs, bulls and precision roping and riding.

The 2023 National Anthem Contest winners are:

Extreme Bulls – Casie Noel Tucker

July 1st  – Jubilee Kauzlarich

July 2nd = Jillian Norberg

July 3rd – Peyton Phillips

July 4th – Presley Bray

Plus, the Top 5 winners will have their rendition of the National Anthem recorded professionally at Northwest College in Powell and will be featured for the whole year on Big Horn Basin Media radio stations at noon.

[There are no radio stations in the database]
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