CHS Prepares Staff for Active Shooter Incidents
Written by Andrew-Rossi on February 20, 2018
The school shooting in Florida last week, while serving as a terrible reminder of the potential for violence in schools, did not cause Cody High School administrators to take any additional precautions.
That’s according to CHS Principal Jeremiah Johnston, who says that because of the changes that they began implementing a couple of years ago, they feel that they are as equipped as they can be to this point to prevent a school shooting incident.
Johnston says that all school employees will be going through a training today that will equip and prepare staff for violent intruders. The training is called ALICE, which stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate. Johnston says that some members of the staff have already gone through this training, but this will be the first time that the procedures will be taught to all staff members.
The Trustees for Park County School District 6 will be meeting tonight to hear the first reading of a hotly debated policy that would allow school employees to be armed.