City of Cody Observes National Police Week 2022 

City of Cody Observes National Police Week 2022

Written by on May 13, 2022

In 1962, President John F. Kennedy signed a proclamation designating May 15th of each year as Peace Officers Memorial Day while also establishing National Police Week. More than 800,000 full-time law enforcement officers serve in communities across the U.S. and this includes the dedicated men and women of the Cody Police Department who play an essential role in safeguarding the rights and freedoms of Wyoming citizens.

National Police Week 2022 honors the service and sacrifice of those law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty while protecting their communities and safeguarding democracy.

Mayor Matt Hall is calling on the citizens of the City of Cody to observe Sunday May 15th, 2022, as Peace Officers Memorial Day. In a statement, Hall said, “In honor of those law enforcement officers who, through their courageous deeds, have made the ultimate sacrifice while protecting their fellow citizens and communities,” asking folks to recognize and, “pay respect to the survivors and families of our fallen heroes.”

According to 2021 statistics collected by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) through the Law Enforcement Officer Killed and Assaulted Program (LEOKA), “73 law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty in 2021 were killed as a result of felonious acts,” and 56 died as the result of accidents. In 2021, deaths from felonious acts increased—up more than 58 percent from the previous year.

In honor of National Police Week, Wyoming’s new U.S. Attorney Bob Murray is also taking time to acknowledge the sacrifice and service of federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement. “Our office joins the entire nation in honoring law enforcement officers across the country for their service and sacrifice in keeping our communities safe,” Murray says.

“We recognize the commitment of Wyoming’s law enforcement partners who often place themselves in harm’s way to protect us at all times. They, and their families, have our untiring support” Murray states.

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