City of Cody Releases Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendments

City of Cody Releases Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendments

Written by on October 12, 2022

Occupancy rates, setback reductions, and “extraterritorial jurisdiction” are among the 24 ordinance amendments the City of Cody is contemplating – and residents have many ways to share their opinions.

The Cody Planning and Zoning Board has developed several proposed zoning ordinance amendments.  The amendments are published below, but they are also available on the City of Cody website

A public hearing about the proposed amendments will be held during a special Board Meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 25, at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall (1338 Rumsey Avenue.)


  1. Clarify language relating to authority for enforcement (withholding certificates of occupancy, issuing stop work orders).
  2. Improve or otherwise clarify language in a number of definitions.
  3. Exclude emergency vehicle turnarounds from triggering building setbacks applicable to streets.
  4. Allow the garage setback to be measured along the path of vehicle travel rather than perpendicular to the street.
  5. Remove language related to “extraterritorial jurisdiction,” which authority no longer exists.
  6. Add language authorizing additional notice of a public hearing beyond the minimum required.
  7. Clarify the relationship between Planned Unit Development standards and the standards of the underlying zoning district.
  8. Reduce some of the setback standards and minimum dwelling sizes in the R-3 and R-4 zoning districts.
  9. Reduce setback standards for some accessory buildings and attached open-walled structures (i.e. attached pergolas, covered porches) in side and rear yards.
  10. Limit the applicability of the reduced frontage requirement (cul-de-sac locations) to properties that cannot be further divided.
  11. Reduce the building setback requirement for buildings taller than 30′ in the R-4 zone.
  12. Change the Rural Residential zone to allow Accessory Dwelling Units as a permitted (accessory) use rather than require a conditional use permit.
  13. List cemeteries as a conditional use in all residential zones.
  14. Add convalescent care facilities/nursing homes as conditional uses in the RR, R-1, and R-2 zones, where they are currently not permitted.
  15. Clarify that the rental of a room in a house on a long-term basis (a.k.a. rooming house) is permitted in all residential zones. (Rental of two or more rooms is already a separate listing and limited to R-3 and R-4 zones.)
  16. Allow the use of an R.V. as a temporary dwelling while constructing or remodeling a house in the R-1 zone. (Currently allowed in all other zones.)
  17. Require a conditional use permit for any private or public schools in an R-3 and R-4 zone.
  18. Revise the accessory dwelling unit standards related to architecture, parking, the timing of construction, and utilities.
  19. Revise the bed and breakfast and short-term rental supplemental development standards to be better organized and specific to current practices.
    • Also, establish the authority to collect a “late fee” for those that do not register with the City as required.
  20. Clearly prohibit retail storefronts for home occupations.
  21. Slightly reduce multi-family requirements for open space and landscaping.
  22. Reinsert a lost provision that all lots must have frontage on a street—not just an alley.
  23. Allow increases in occupancy rates for 1- and 2-bedroom short-term rentals (increases from 3 to 4 guests and from 5 to 6 guests, respectively).
  24. Update the name of the high-density residential zone from “C” to “R-4” in the section of code that authorizes all high-density residential uses in commercial zones.

Comments may be submitted by email, in person, or at the Oct. 25 public hearing.

There are several ways for comments and questions to reach the people guiding the amendment process:

Please call (307) 527-3472 with any questions about the proposed zoning ordinance amendments.

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