Civility Forum Draws Large Crowd | Big Horn Basin Media

Civility Forum Draws Large Crowd

Written by on September 26, 2017

A forum on Civility at the Buffalo Bill Center of the West yesterday drew such a large crowd that even Museum trustees, elected officials and relatives of the panelists were turned away at the door.
The panel, which featured Former Senator Al Simpson, Former Governor Mike Sullivan, Former Mayor Nancy Tia Brown, and Former Chair of the School Board for Park County District 6, Dossie Overfield, was held yesterday afternoon at the Coe Auditorium. Museum CEO Bruce Eldredge says the turnout meant that they had to turn away at least 25 people.
The event was sponsored by the non profit organization Wyoming Rising-Northwest. Karel Pasek, Education Chair for the group, says that the turnout was unexpected, but there are definitely benefits to the attention that this event has drawn to their mission.

School board member Stephanie Bell arrived just after the doors were closed on the event. She says that the event itself is something to celebrate.

Scott Court, Wyoming State Representative for this district, said he was surprised at the turnout.

Eldredge says that the event was being videotaped, and would be available both on the Wyoming Rising website as well as the Museum’s website, as early as tomorrow.

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