Cody, Wyoming Residents Send Relief to Northern Neighbors

Cody, Wyoming Residents Send Relief to Northern Neighbors

Written by on June 16, 2022

As the fallout from the recent and historic flooding of the Yellowstone River continues in Wyoming and Montana, residents from Cody, Wyoming are devoting time and resources to send relief to their northern neighbors in Montana.

Mark Musser of Cody drove trailers full of food, water, and other essential supplies to Red Lodge, Montana. Ryan Wells and David Ross, owners and operators of the Wicked Eats food truck, went to Fromberg, Montana to feed people impacted by the floodwaters.

Mark Musser’s trailer of donations and supplies to Red Lodge

When asked if Mr. Musser had family or knew anyone in Red Lodge, Musser answered, “No, I don’t have family up there, but those people have been through a lot and we wanted to help.” Musser and his crew delivered “two trailers filled up,” and the bed of a “pickup” worth of supplies.

Mark Musser of Cody, Wyoming

Courtesy of Mark Musser


So far, the Wicked Eats food truck has been able to feed roughly “100 people” on the first day and more are expected to come. Similar to Mr. Musser, Ryan Wells and David Ross went to Fromberg simply to help victims of the flood and to be supportive neighbors. “We just saw a need and wanted to help….with the help from Lovell and Powell residents and Businesses,” Amy Wells said.

Wicked Eats gathering donations for Fromberg, Montana

Wicked Eats serves people food

Cody, Wyoming has a reputation for western hospitality and generosity. These residents of Cody are proving the value of that reputation and demonstrating the great spirit and resolve of the people here in the state.

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