Filing Deadline Tomorrow for Primaries
Written by Andrew-Rossi on May 31, 2018
The deadline for filing for elected offices is tomorrow at 5 p.m. – and the list of candidates for Park County positions is growing.
As of this morning, several incumbents have filed and are currently running unopposed – the Park County Sheriff, Assessor, Clerk, Coroner, Treasurer, Attorney and Clerk of District Court will not have to do any campaigning, unless a last-minute opposing candidate comes forward for any of those seats.
Also running unopposed at this point are the State Representatives for House District 25, Dan Laursen, and District 27, Mike Greear. Two candidates have presented themselves for House District 24 – Republican Sandy Newsome and Democrat Paul Fees – although Republican Denise Shirley has publicly announced her intention to run for that position. And two Republicans are running for the Senate seat currently occupied by Senator Ray Peterson – R.J. Kost will be running against Peterson in the primaries.
There will also be a race in the Primary elections for the three open Park County Commissioner seats. Nine Republicans have filed for candidacy – Dossie Overfield, Lloyd Thiel, Pat Stuart and incumbent Joe Tilden had all announced their intention to run before the filing period opened on May 17th. Since then, five others have joined the race – Bob Stevens, Catherine Marine, Bob Berry, Tony Lehman and Zach Bowman have all filed with the Elections Office.