Flood Preparations Continue | Big Horn Basin Media

Flood Preparations Continue in Big Horn County

Written by on February 20, 2017

Flood preparations continue in Big Horn County.
As of yesterday afternoon, the Big Horn County Sheriff’s office says some ice jams have begun to form in the Manderson area, and residents are experiencing some flooding of structures along the Big Horn River in low land areas. As warm weather is expected to continue for a few days yet, residents are urged to be alert and vigilant.
Snow melt is also causing bumper deep flooding of some roads in the Manderson, Basin, and Greybull areas, so residents are advised to adhere to road closures for their own safety.
The WY National Guard and Smoke Busters have finished with their assistance missions in Big Horn County and have demobilized, but Greybull Town Administrator Paul Thur says the worry isn’t over.

The Sheriff’s office notes that monitoring of the river and upstream ice jam movements will continue today, with the assistance of donated drone time. The Sheriff’s Office says they will be keeping the town updated on the status of the canyon, the ice jam at the county line and the one near Manderson.

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