Governor Makes No Changes to Health Orders for July | Big Horn Basin Media

Governor Makes No Changes to Health Orders for July

Written by on June 30, 2020

There will be no changes this time.

The 1st of the month has typically heralded in a new set of variances to Wyoming’s public health orders, under the purview of Governor Gordon and State Health Officer Alexia Harrist. But not this month. Yesterday, in a statement released from his office, Governor Gordon said there would be no changes or new ordinances to the state’s public health orders. The rationale is fairly simple. 25% of Wyoming’s total number of lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been identified in the past two weeks, with 288 new cases confirmed since the current orders went into effect on June 15. New cases of the virus have been reported in 15 Wyoming counties and reflects increased transmission within Wyoming communities.

So, what were the new orders last adopted on June 15th? Gatherings up to 50 persons in a confined space are allowed to occur without restrictions, as are permit events of up to 250 persons with social distancing and increased sanitization measures in place. Faith-based gatherings such as church services and funeral homes will continue to be permitted to operate without restrictions, with appropriate social distancing encouraged. All public health restrictions that apply to restaurants, bars, gyms and performance spaces will remain in place.

The governor emphasizes that businesses and patrons need to work together to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This is what we, as entities and individuals, can do to ensure everything – including the economy – stays healthy. Nobody wants mandatory closures or another cessation of business, but the state can’t enforce such mandates even if it has to. It’s up to us.

The Governor will be holding a press briefing tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 pm to provide an update on COVID-19 in Wyoming and the continuing public health orders.

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