Hands-Only CPR Class Begins Wednesday
Written by Andrew-Rossi on November 7, 2017
A local man has created a CPR training program that is simple, easy to learn, and free – and that program is now being offered through West Park Hospital.
Cody resident Kevin Lauer says that as an emergency medical tech, he has witnessed over and over again how the simple CPR technique of compressions can save a victim of a heart attack. Lauer says recent research has shown that it’s the movement of the chest, not the breaths in between, that actually saves lives.
Lauer says that the program that he developed with a partner in Gallatin County, Montana, called Hands Only CPR, grew exponentially, and is now being taught across the country. He has received multiple national and state awards for the simple, but lifesaving program – which is now being offered for free at West Park Hospital and Powell Valley Health Care.
The 45 minute class will be held the first Wednesday evening of every month at 6 p.m. in Cody, and on the first Monday of every month in Powell. Registration is encouraged, but not required, according to Lauer. Additionally, classes will be offered without charge to businesses, schools, churches, and civic organizations. For more information, contact Kevin Lauer at (307) 271-1789.