Hear Bryan Adams New Single 'What if There Were No Sides at All' | Big Horn Basin Media

Hear Bryan Adams New Single ‘What if There Were No Sides at All’

Written by on May 15, 2023

Bryan Adams has once again captured our hearts and minds with his latest release, “What If There Were No Sides at All.” (Listen Below)

The legendary musician has never shied away from tackling thought-provoking themes, and this new song is no exception. With his signature blend of moving lyrics and soulful melodies, this track invites us to reflect on the importance of unity and the potential for a world without divisions.

“What If There Were No Sides at All” serves as a reminder of the power of togetherness and the impact it can have on our lives. In a world often marked by division and war, Adams encourages us to break down barriers and embrace our shared humanity.

“This is an anti-war peace song,” Adams explained in the song’s YouTube video description. “The locations are generic but are meant to represent conflicts in the world. The aim of this song is to provoke thought and perhaps even encourage governments to sit down and talk about peace. At the moment there is only escalating division and death… a result of the billions of dollars spent by governments to fund these endless wars.”

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