Heart Mountain Trail Closed | Big Horn Basin Media

Heart Mountain Trail Closed

Written by on May 3, 2018

Bear activity and difficult trail conditions are cited as the reasons for a temporary closure of the trail at Heart Mountain Ranch Preserve.
The Nature Conservancy, which operates the preserve, sent out a release yesterday noting that bears coming out of hibernation are normally very active in the Northern Rockies, and they want to take every precaution possible to prevent any conflicts between people and bears — for the safety and health of both.
Other activities at the preserve will continue as planned, according to the release, and staff will be monitoring the trail for signs of bears and will make a determination of when there seems to be less activity. At that time, they will reopen the trail to public use.
At this time, the Conservancy still plans to hold their annual community hike on June 2nd, unless conditions are not deemed safe. You can find information about the closure and hike on their website nature.org/Wyoming under the tab “Places We Protect.”

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