Senator Lummis Gets Defender of Limited Government Award

Senator Cynthia Lummis Receives Defender of Limited Government Award

Written by on June 22, 2023

U.S. Senator Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) received the Defender of Limited Government Award for “her tireless work to defend the freedoms of people in Wyoming.” The Institute for Legislative Analysis presented Lummis with this award for her score on its Limited Government Index.

Lummis ranks in the top 10 senators defending limited government on this scorecard.

“People in Wyoming believe in keeping the government out of their business, and I’m honored to receive the Defender of Limited Government award for votes defending the freedoms people in Wyoming hold dear,” said Sen. Lummis. “I appreciate the Institute for Legislative Analysis for creating this legislative scorecard so people across the country can follow the work being done on their behalf in Washington.”

The mission of the Institute for Legislative Analysis is “advancing the limited government principles of the U.S. Constitution by increasing transparency within Congress and the 50 state legislatures.” The entity accomplishes this goal by constructing scorecards for “the leading liberty-minded organizations and bringing the movement together through our research and technology.”

The Limited Government Index includes 38,655 votes and 122 detailed policy analyses, making it one of the most comprehensive and in-depth federal scorecards.

The full rankings can be found on the Institute for Legislative Analysis website. Senator Lummis is technically 73rd on the list, which includes members of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. She has an overall score of 86.05% after 43 votes.

Senators Rand Paul of Kentucky and Mike Lee of Utah are tied as the highest-ranking senators on the list, with a 100% score after 43 votes. Several U.S. House representatives are also tied for first.

For the rest of the Wyoming congressional delegation, Senator John Barrasso is ranked #173, scoring 76.47% after 34 votes. U.S. Representative Harriet Hageman is not on the list, but – ironically – Wyoming’s former representative Liz Cheney is, ranked #201 with a score of 66.15% after 65 votes. Representative Hageman will undoubtedly appear in a future analysis compiled by the Institute for Legislative Analysis.

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