Mayor, Council Races in Greybull | Big Horn Basin Media

Mayor, Council Write-Ins Create Race in Greybull

Written by on September 7, 2018

Voters in Greybull will have choices in the mayoral and council races come this November.
Bob Graham received enough write-in votes in the primary election, and he informed the Big Horn County Clerk’s office last week that he would accept the nomination for a two-year term as mayor. That’s according to an article in the Greybull Standard. The race would be identical to the one four years ago, in which incumbent mayor Myles Foley won by just five votes.
Marvin Hunt was the only candidate who filed for the two available four-year terms for Town Council on the ballot – however, there were three write in candidates. Kaitlyn Johnson and Steve Hoblit have accepted those nominations, and Darrel Cariveau is on the fence as to whether or not he will throw his hat into the ring. All four could appear on the general election ballot.

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