Monument Hill Road Open for Summer | Big Horn Basin Media

Monument Hill Road Open for Summer

Written by on June 3, 2020

Monument Hill Road opens for public use once again.

 Effective yesterday, June 2, the Monument Hill Road – approximately 1.6 miles west of the Belfry Highway -has been opened for general use. The road itself is in rough condition, but its passable. This means that an entire section of roadways in the area are open in varying capacities to various types of traffic. Red Grade Road and The BLM Forest Products Road are both open to the public, with a number of provisions.  Meanwhile, the Bell Survey Road, North Road, and Old Two Track Road are still completed closed either due to reclamation or their location on private land.

Park County reminds everyone that its their individual responsibility to know which roads can be travelled and what restrictions are in place, but there are some general rules that should be followed regardless of location.

  • All public lands must be legally accessed; it is the user’s responsibility at all times to know whether they are on public or private lands.
  • Vehicles must stay on established roads
  • Travel on private lands, without consent from the landowner, may result in being charged with trespass and prosecution.
  • Obey authorized closures, restrictions and postings.
  • All motor vehicles must remain on established and open roads.
  • All activities, which damage public or private lands, are prohibited.
  • Do not disturb, alter, or damage any survey markers or stakes.
  • Access on State, BLM and Forest Service lands is limited to existing, designated trails and roads. On BLM lands, where there is not a white arrow designated road, travel is limited to foot or horseback.

Specific Roads

1. Red Grade Road (Easement Road) – To the south and west of the cattleguard is an existing two-track road that traverses across private and state lands, crosses Canyon Creek, and enters BLM administered lands at the west line of Section 31. This road crosses private lands and is only open due to an easement across it. The easement is 45 feet in width and is fenced and marked. As a part of the negotiated agreement between Park County and Trail Creek Ranch, the public has access to the State, BLM and USFS lands west of Tract 66. The easement has conditions that must be adhered to for access to be continued. The conditions are as follows:
• Foot and horseback are permitted year round.
• Motor vehicle traffic is allowed while road 7UH remains open.
• ATV traffic is allowed year round.
• Snowmobile traffic will be allowed when County Road 7 UH is closed as defined above. Snowmobile traffic will not be allowed during rifle elk season, except if the easement becomes impassable by inclement weather.
• The public must stay on the road until it reaches BLM and USFS Lands.

2. The BLM Forest Products Road (Limited Use Right Of Way) – Due to the terms of the agreement, there is only limited public access along this route. Access to the public lands via this route is limited:

• Foot and horseback are permitted year round. Exception: commercial outfitters or commercial use of the road is prohibited.
• Open to those persons collecting firewood, with valid timber harvest permits. The BLM easement is 100 feet wide, 50 feet each side of centerline.
• Elderly and/or Physically Disabled – By special permit only. Permits are to be issued by the Park County Engineer’s Office only.
• Must have a valid, area specific hunting license.
• Elderly – Must be 65 years or older.
• Physically Disabled – Persons certified as physically disabled. Physically disabled persons must have a valid permanent placard issued pursuant to the provisions of WS § 31-2-213. to the person with the valid, area specific hunting license. Proof is required at time of issuance of permit.
• The Qualifying Persons may be accompanied by up to two (2) other persons who are not Qualifying Persons.
• Only the Qualifying Persons may have a gun and hunt.
• No accompanying person(s) shall hunt while accompanying a qualifying person on the limited-use right of way.
• The public must stay on the road until it reaches BLM and USFS Lands

3. Bell Survey Road (County Road 7UH, extension) – To the southwest of the road junction and south of the Red Grade Road is an existing County Right of Way (R.O.W.) that the Court has validated as a County Road. Park County previously constructed a new road along this alignment. Per the agreement, this road is CLOSED and will be reclaimed.

• There is NO public access to public land via this road.

4. North Road – Just to the north and west of the road junction there is an existing road that passes through a steel fence and gate. This road is entirely on private property to the west line of Section 31.

• There is NO public access to public land via this road.

5. Old Two Track Road – South of the road junction and east of the existing BLM Forest Products road is an old two-track road that was used to access the public lands on Rattlesnake Mountain. This road is entirely on private land. There is NO public access or right to use this road.
• There is NO public access to public land via this road

Should you have any questions regarding Monument Hill information, please feel free to call 527-8520 or 754-8520 and leave a message.  The Park County Engineer’s office will respond to any message or requests for information left on this line.   When using this number, please leave a detailed message and a return phone number and someone will get back with you as soon as possible.


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