Update: Park County School District #6 Two Hours Delayed | Big Horn Basin Media

Update: Park County School District #6 Two Hours Delayed

Written by on February 21, 2023

Update:  here is the High School schedule for tomorrow.  CHS will have a late start and 53 minute periods with a later lunch.

1st- 10:00-10:53

P 10:53-10:58

2nd- 10:58-11:51

P 11:51-11:56


Lunch 12:49-1:29

4th- 1:29-2:22

P 2:22-2:29

5th- 2:27-3:20

Park County School District Number 6 is announcing that there will be a two hour delay of school on Wednesday, February 22.  Schools will be open at 9:30AM and they will continue to monitor the weather.  Updates will be sent to parents and students as needed.

The school district also said that parents have reached out and asked about bus service on February 22nd. Buses will also run on a two hour delay schedule.  For those riding, expect transportation to arrive two hours later than the usual pick-up time.

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