Powell Raises Funds for New Sign
Written by Andrew-Rossi on May 9, 2018
The community of Powell wants to catch the attention of visitors to keep them informed about the multitude of events that are happening in the area.
To do that, the Powell Economic Partnership, Powell Chamber and Powell Visitor Center are in the final days of a crowd funding campaign to purchase an LED motion graphics sign to replace the outdated existing sign.
On KODI’s Partyline yesterday, Visitor Center manager Rebekah Burns told listeners that because Powell is a vibrant town with many visitor and community events, they need to be able to showcase those events to what WYDOT counts as an average of 4,500 cars that pass by the sign each day.
Burns says that the combined organizations are within $2000 of raising the necessary $23,000 to purchase the new sign. Anyone interested in participating can go to powellchamber.org, select Community Events Sign, and select Give here to Support our local events.
The Powell Chamber is using a Wyoming based Local Crowd Funding platform called the Local Crowd, which allows local businesses to give rewards that residents can receive in exchange for their donation.