Prescribed Burns in Big Horn Forest | Big Horn Basin Media

Prescribed Burns Set for Medicine Wheel District

Written by on September 29, 2017

Some forest fires are cause for concern – others are not.
In the next few months, several planned burns in the Bighorn National Forest will take place, which are designed to reduce hazardous fuels, improve wildlife habitat and range forage, and reduce conifer encroachment.
Acting forest supervisor John Kidd says the burns will take place over the next few months and only if favorable weather conditions allow, and slash piles will be burned once snowfall occurs.
In the Medicine Wheel Ranger District, crews plan to burn about 750 acres near Sunlight Mesa, 75 acres in the Mathews Ridge area northeast of Hyattville, and slash piles near Bald Mountain.
Officials say that although smoke may be visible from surrounding communities, no road or trail closures are planned; however, short-term closures may be needed during active burning.
Hunters and others visiting the Bighorns should be aware of prescribed burns in areas they plan to visit, so for up-to-date information about prescribed burning dates and locations, contact the Medicine Wheel Ranger District in Greybull at 307.765.4435.

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