Public Invited to Trout “Infusion”
Written by Andrew-Rossi on May 17, 2017
The public is invited to observe a Yellowstone cutthroat trout infusion in Cody on Thursday in the parking lot of Rocky Mountain Discount Sports.
Tomorrow at 10:00 a.m., Game and Fish will cross female Yellowstone cutthroat trout brood stock from the Story Fish Hatchery with sperm from wild males from the Yellowstone River below Yellowstone Lake. Officials say that this will infuse “wild” genes into the brood stock fish.
Tara Hodges, Public Information Officer for the Game and Fish Department, says the infusion in a public setting is a unique opportunity to see firsthand the work required to maintain the genetic integrity of the native cutthroat brood stocks.
The Yellowstone cutthroat trout are the only trout native to northwest Wyoming. Assistant Fish Culture Supervisor Guy Campbell says the infusion is necessary to provide a genetically diverse population of the fish for sport fish stocking and native species restoration purposes.