Racial Slur Found on Sheridan College Dorm Door
Written by Andrew-Rossi on October 2, 2017
Racial divides aren’t just being highlighted on the internet or the television from big cities and far off places – an incident last week hit a little closer to home.
The mother of a Sheridan College student posted a picture on Facebook of her daughter’s dorm door with a racial slur written on a whiteboard. Lynelle Shakespeare says her daughter Whisper SunRhodes and her roommate went to Walmart and came back to find the insult written on their door.
Lynelle says she immediately talked with Paul Young, president of Sheridan College about this matter, and told the press that the school is working to find the culprit and are currently conducting an investigation. But until that person is caught, she says she worries about her daughter attending the school.
She said, quote, “Somebody doesn’t like my daughter because of who she is,” endquote, noting that she is considering pulling her child out if the college doesn’t address the issue. She said that she is not willing to take her daughter’s safety to that level.
Officials at Sheridan College have not yet commented on the incident.