Share the Road With Bicyclists
Written by Andrew-Rossi on August 16, 2019
Even though the summer is winding down, Park County Sheriff Scott Steward is reminding drivers to “Share the Road” safely with bicyclists.
Every year, hundreds of bicyclists die in traffic accidents involving motor vehicles, and thousands more are injured, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. And the Sheriff’s Office notes that Wyoming laws are fairly sparse when it comes to bike laws which means that it’s important to use common sense and care while cycling on the roads.
Lance Mathess with the Park County Sheriff’s Office notes that while there haven’t been any specific incidents to prompt the warning, it’s a good reminder to drivers and bicyclists alike.
Mathess says that Wyoming has been beefing up their laws around the use of electric bikes which makes them stand out compared to other states, but when it comes to bicycles, it’s mostly a matter of being careful and aware.