Softball “Pitches” to Trustees
Written by Andrew-Rossi on October 11, 2018
Girls Fast Pitch Softball is a high school sport in every state – except Wyoming and South Dakota.
But that could soon change. Parents and student athletes in Cody and other Wyoming cities are pushing to get the sport sanctioned, so that the girls who are currently playing the sport outside of school can continue to play in high school.
Paul Kondelis, who is the vice president of the Cody Pride Softball organization, says that at this point, there are roughly two dozen girls who have to end their softball activity after eighth grade, and he says that once they get into high school they either have to choose a different sport, or end their involvement in sports in Cody.
Kondelis is inviting anyone who supports the effort to attend the board meeting for Park County School District 6 on Tuesday evening, where they will be presenting their “pitch” to the trustees.
Kondelis points out that Wyoming and South Dakota are the only states in the nation that do not offer fast pitch softball as an option for girls athletics in the public schools.