Forest Fire | Big Horn Basin Media

Forest Fire

With contributions from the University of Wyoming, a new study suggests the world has entered a new age of wildfires – larger, stronger, and more frequent. Bryan Shuman, a professor in the Department of Geology and Geophysics at the University of Wyoming, is a primary co-author of a recently published paper titled “Rocky Mountain Subalpine…

There’s another fire in Shoshone National Forest that never should’ve started. Forest officials confirmed that 4 smokejumpers responded to the Hudson Meadow Fire, in the Popo Agie Wilderness in  the Washakie Ranger District, on Monday evening. They spent the next few hours clearing a fire line and monitoring the fire, which was contained to one-tenth…

Bighorn National Forest firefighters have already had their first fire encounter of 2020. Last Sunday, May 31st, Forest staff responded to a call from the Wyoming Hotshots – a group based out of Greybull that helps Bighorn National Forest spot and respond to wildfires. The Hotshots reported a fire in Shell Canyon, near the Post…

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