Mac Watson SYP | Big Horn Basin Media

Mac Watson SYP

Ken Straniere, Media and Public Relations, and Jordan Davis, Director of Operations, from the Center of the West, spoke about what initiatives the museum is taking in making the building more efficient, which promotes a better experience for people touring the museum. They also spoke about Winterfest and other programs and events coming up in…

Powell native, Charlie Spiering is now a successful conservative writer who lives in “The Swamp” of DC.  He is currently working on a book about Vice President Kamala Harris and writes a weekly column for Cowboy State Daily.  He spoke about his writing habits, why he chose to write a book and how the GOP…

Richard Jones from Wyoming Citizens Against Normalization, spoke about how there is a new drug that both parents and teens need to be aware of.  It’s called kratom and it’s not new, but it has become more popular here in America recently.  Richard described the new drug, how it’s dangerous and what you need to…

Karen Horner, Park County Library Director, spoke about the Leprechaun Lure Contest which involves kids making their own leprechaun traps to win some golden prizes.  Kids and parent are invited to the winning celebration on March 16th at 4PM.

Cody Beers, WyDOT Public Relations Specialist, spoke about the winter storm that is paralyzing Cody as well as Wyoming and what the road conditions are across the state.  He also spoke about how the Cody HS Boys Basketball team is stuck down in Casper because of the storm.  Cody went over the latest about the…

Tina Hoebelheinrich, CEO of the Cody Country Chamber of Commerce, spoke about the Cody Cowboy Stroll and Lighted Parade that happened last Saturday.  Also, Tina talked about how business did on Small Business Saturday and what the Chamber has coming up for the Holiday Season.  

Planning and Zoning Director for Park County Joy Hill and Park County Commissioner Dossie Overfield spoke about the status of the Land Use Plan or LUPAC.  They answer the question of why do they want the public’s input, what some comments from people have been and upcoming meetings that people in Park County are encouraged…

Billy Struemke, running for Park County School Board Number 6, talked about how he would fine tune the school board, the importance of parents in the education of their children, and what’s really beneath the WYTOPP scores.  He also spoke about teacher retention and if he were elected to the school board, have more communication…

Jackie Hinther, Event and Outreach Coordinator for the Park County Animal Shelter, spoke about the successful golf tournament fundraiser, the upcoming Tats and Tails fundraising event, and what to do in the Fall to help your pets in the Winter.  Plus how the Trap, Neuter, and Return program is working to lessen the feral cat…

Park County Attorney Bryan Skoric is running for re-election.  We talked about how his office is dealing with a number of issues including our aging population and how scams are becoming more sophisticated.  We also talked about juvenile delinquency and how his office has set up a program that works to deter kids from becoming…

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