Rocky Mountains | Big Horn Basin Media

Rocky Mountains

BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — Wildlife advocates sued federal officials Tuesday after the government missed a deadline to decide if protections for gray wolves should be restored across the northern U.S. Rocky Mountains, where Republican-led states have made it easier to kill the predators. The Biden administration said in a preliminary finding last September that protections…

DENVER (AP) — Denver’s winter has started with a whimper, and the parched mountains to the west aren’t faring much better. The Mile High City has already shattered its 87-year-old record for the latest measurable snowfall set on Nov. 21, 1934, and it’s a little more than a week away from breaking an 1887 record…

With contributions from the University of Wyoming, a new study suggests the world has entered a new age of wildfires – larger, stronger, and more frequent. Bryan Shuman, a professor in the Department of Geology and Geophysics at the University of Wyoming, is a primary co-author of a recently published paper titled “Rocky Mountain Subalpine…

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