Tuesday From The Washakie County Fair | Big Horn Basin Media

Tuesday From The Washakie County Fair

Written by on July 27, 2022

Tuesday from the Washakie County Fair had the Swine Show.

The Open Class Exhibits Check in and Judging as well as Open Flowers.

LeAnn Baker and Chance Bond discussed the exabits.

They also talk about the food offerings at the Fair.

LeAnn talked with Poultry Superintendent and Washakie County Board Member Tamara Drake.

She also chatted with Beef Superintendent Myles Bush.

We caught up to some of the youngsters including 9 year old Jackson Greet and talked Cattle.

Victoria Shaffer also told us about her Poultry Entries and others. She also talked about her Purple Ribbon Bread Entry.

The students from Kurt’s Karate had an impressive exhibition.

With packed stands the Motorcycle Stunt Team of Octane Addictions dazzled the crowd with high flying action.

Listen to the interviews below with LeAnn Baker and stay tuned to KWOR for further updates.


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