UPDATE: Clearwater Fire Continues To Burn, Almost 1,900 Acres Consumed | Big Horn Basin Media

UPDATE: Clearwater Fire Continues To Burn, Almost 1,900 Acres Consumed

Written by on August 13, 2024

Started by a lightning strike on July 19th in the Shoshone National Forest, the Clearwater Fire continues to consume trees and undergrowth at a slow pace.
Cooler temperatures and some light rain within the fire area have allowed for containment to increase to 62%. Yesterday, fire crews continued cleaning up brush and downed trees in the Elk Fork Campground and patrolled fire lines.
Fire crews are still monitoring the highway and river corridor for any fire movement closer to the perimeter. “The fire is likely to burn and smolder for some time in heavy fuels and steeper terrain. Expected rain may decrease activity in the fire’s interior over the next few days, but the potential for fire spread will return as conditions change. Firefighters will monitor the effects of the current short-term weather pattern while preparing for critical fire weather conditions that much of the region is experiencing,” says Incident Commander Ron Steffens.
Fire managers will base their actions on a number of factors including public and firefighter safety, complexity, fire behavior, and weather.
Elk Fork Campground is closed indefinitely for the season; Wapiti Campground and Clearwater Campground remain closed until fire conditions allow otherwise. A road and trail closure are in effect at NFS Road #424, Elk Fork Road and NFS Trail # 760, Elk Fork Trail. Click here to view the closure order (#021404-24-03). For safety reasons, the public is asked to respect closed campgrounds and trails. A temporary flight restriction (TFR) is in effect until August 19, 2024.

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