Veterans Portrait Project Makes Stop in Cody Monday
Written by Andrew-Rossi on July 12, 2019
An award-winning photographer, who is also a disabled veteran, is touring the country, creating portraits of veterans in all 50 states.
Stacey Pearsall is a former military photographer and Air Force veteran who was wounded in Iraq. She says she found herself without purpose after her injuries, and while recuperating in a military hospital, came upon the idea of preserving the stories of other veterans through her photography.
Pearsall has been photographing veterans for over 11 years now, meeting and capturing the stories of over 7500 veterans, and has made it her goal to take pictures of veterans in all 50 states by November of this year. She has made the rounds to 35 states so far, and will be in Cody on Monday at the VFW Hall to put the spotlight on Wyoming veterans.
Stacy has several openings available on Monday, and is asking for veterans to contact her to participate in the Veterans Portrait Project. Her portraits have been displayed in the Smithsonian, at the Pentagon, at Arlington National Cemetery, and her story has been featured on NBC’s Today Show, but Pearsall notes that the photos will only be shared with the world if the veterans allow.
To set up an appointment, visit the website