Vitalant Moving Forward with Community Blood Drives | Big Horn Basin Media

Vitalant Moving Forward with Community Blood Drives

Written by on April 8, 2020

Wyoming needs your blood.

While everyone in the state is encouraged – if not implored – to stay home as much as possible, there’s one need that cannot wait – live-saving blood donations.

Vitalant continues to organize a series of community blood drives during the COVID-19 crisis. With hospitals already at capacity or anticipating they soon will be, blood is needed now more than ever. The following community blood drives have been set up in several Bighorn Basin communities:

  • Greybull/Basin on Monday, April 13th from 12:30 to 5:30 pm at the Elks Club, 622 Greybull Avenue
  • Worland on Tuesday, April 14th from 11:15 am to 5:15 pm at the Worland Senior Citizens Center, 300 South 14th Street
  • Lovell on Wednesday, April 15th from 1:30 to 5:00 pm at the Lovell Fire Department, 314 Nevada Avenue

Vitalant needs a minimum of 200 pints of blood a day to provide enough for local community hospitals in Northern Wyoming and Southern Montana.

For any additional questions and concerns, contact Vitalant at 877-25 VITAL.

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