Wild Horse Adoption May 20 | Big Horn Basin Media

Wild Horse Adoption May 20

Written by on May 2, 2017

The first wild horse and burro adoption of the year for Wyoming will be held on May 20 in Riverton.

The Bureau of Land Management and the Wyoming Honor Farm will host the event. The gates will open at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 20th, with competitive bidding beginning at 10:30 a.m. Honor Farm Wild Horse Supervisor Curt Simmons and the trainers have a lineup of around 30 halter and saddle-started horses and burros available for adoption. All horses have been haltered, led, trailered, had their feet handled and are in various stages of the gentling program.

Ted and Maureen Shuler of Powell adopted three animals from the Salt Wells Herd Management Area southeast of Rock Springs at the spring 2016 adoption. Since then, the family says they have ridden them on several pack trips in the mountains, including some overnight trips. Maureen Shuler commented that the family was pleasantly surprised that the animals acted like they had been doing this for years.

Because the adoption is being held at the state Honor Farm, firearms, alcohol, drugs and dogs are not allowed onsite at any time.

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