Wyoming Arts Council Accepting Governor’s Arts Award Nominations
Written by Jessi Entel on August 28, 2023
The Wyoming Arts Council is accepting nominations for the 2023 Governor’s Arts Awards.
Any Wyoming citizen, organization, business or community may be nominated for a Governor’s Arts Award. The deadline to submit a nomination is October 6.
The accomplishments of nominees should reflect a substantial contribution to a long-term commitment to Wyoming’s arts.
Special consideration will be given to the nominees who have exhibited service to the arts statewide.
Previous GAA recipients are not eligible for nomination, but those who have been previously nominated but did not receive an award are encouraged to be nominated again.
It is important to note that council board members, staff members, contractors and members of their families are not eligible for nomination.
“The arts in Wyoming thrive thanks to a variety of strong supporters and networks. The Governor’s Arts Awards are an opportunity to look to your arts community for those who have had an impact and nominate them for this special and significant recognition,” says Rachel Clifton, Wyoming Arts Council Executive Director.
The Governor’s Arts Awards was established in 1982 as a was to recognize the excellence in the arts and service in the Cowboy State. Thanks to an endowment from the Union Pacific Foundation in honor of lifelong patron of the arts, Mrs. John U. Loomis, these awards are possible.
Over the years, people and businesses from more than 30 Wyoming organizations and communities have been honored for their contribution to the arts in the state.
The 2023 recipients will be honored at an awards ceremony and dinner in the state capital of Cheyenne of February 23, 2024.
Online nominations can be submitted by completing this form. If there are questions about the Governor’s Arts Awards, please contact Mandy Connelley at 307-214-2701 or email Mandy.Connelley@wyo.gov.