Wyoming: Millennial Haven | Big Horn Basin Media

Wyoming: Millennial Haven

Written by on December 11, 2019

A new study reveals Wyoming might be a new Valhalla for millennials.

The career-based website Zippia ranked all 50 states to determine the best and worst states for the generation, based on four factors: Millennial Unemployment Rate, Average Student Loan Debt, Millennial Home Ownership and the Percent of Millennials Living in Poverty.

The list was topped by Washington DC, followed by Georgia, New York, Florida, and North Carolina. And Wyoming? 48th. Meaning, it’s the third best state in the nation for millennials just behind Iowa and Utah. The statistics are compelling. Almost 42% of Wyoming’s millennials are home owners. Only 11.1% are living in poverty – for comparison, it is 25.8% in Washington DC – and the unemployment rate is 4.6%.

This will be welcoming news to the state, as it tries to attract more industrious and professional millennials to the state.

You can see the statistics and learn more at Zippia: https://www.zippia.com/advice/worst-states-millennials/

[There are no radio stations in the database]