Yellowstone Conservation Corp Recruiting for 2020 | Big Horn Basin Media

Yellowstone Conservation Corp Recruiting for 2020

Written by on February 7, 2020

Want to keep your teenager out of the house this summer? Give them to Yellowstone.

The Park is now recruiting for the 2020 Youth Conservation Corp, a residential work-based education program for young men and women between the ages of 15 and 18. Corps members work together with National Park Service staff to complete a variety of conservation projects such as trail rehabilitation, campground restoration, and a wide variety of resource management, visitor support services, and maintenance projects. It pays the minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, which covers the minimal costs of room and board inside the park – where they’ll be required to live.

There are 60 open positions for the two-month long sessions in 2020, running from June 7th thru July 8th, and July 12th thru August 12th. Application needs to be submitted to the Yellowstone Conservation Corp by March 1st. No previous wilderness experience is required, just a positive attitude, a willingness and ability to work in a physically active outdoor program, and getting along well with others.

And besides, a month in the wilderness builds character. And resistance to tourists and bears. You can find the link to the Yellowstone Conservation Corp’s website and the application on

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