Young Adults Asked to Complete Wyoming Health Survey

Young Adults Asked to Complete Wyoming Health Survey

Written by on October 7, 2022

Young adults across the state are being asked by the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH) to complete a brief survey about substance use and other health-related behaviors.

Current Wyoming residents, ages 18-29, are eligible for the anonymous survey, which can be found by clicking here. The survey takes about 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

“We know young adults have different stressors and potential barriers involving their health than children and older adults,” Melissa Taylor, an epidemiologist with WDH, says. “We’re hoping to get a better and more accurate picture of the health habits and needs of young adults.”

Taylor said areas of interest covered by the Wyoming Young Adult Survey include:

  • Substance use, including alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, and other drugs
  • Mental health and suicide
  • Motor vehicle safety
  • Healthcare access
  • Experiences with violence

“The information we gather should help us know if we need to adjust our department’s public health efforts to help meet the unique needs of this age group,” Taylor says.

Participants will have the choice at the end of the survey to enter a drawing to perhaps win a $25 or $100 gift card.

The Wyoming Young Adult Survey is co-sponsored by the Community Prevention Unit and the Maternal and Child Health Unit; both are part of the Public Health Division at WDH.

The survey will remain open through December with questions available in both English and Spanish.

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