Bighorn National Forest Opening Campgrounds for Memorial Day | Big Horn Basin Media

Bighorn National Forest Opening Campgrounds for Memorial Day

Written by on May 20, 2020

Bighorn National Forest is opening its campgrounds in time for Memorial Day.

Bighorn National Forest will be opening Leigh Creek Campground, Ranger Creek Recreation Area (campground only), and Shell Creek Campground by this Friday, May 22nd. There will also be some increased public access throughout the forest. This is in conjunction with the state’s recent amended health orders, the reopening of the Wyoming Gates in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, and similar openings in Shoshone National Forest.

There is still much work to be done by Forest staff and visitors after the opening and for the duration of the summer. Staff will be cleaning facilities, conducting essential maintenance, and assessing other recreation areas, to ensure they can be safely and healthily reopened. Visitors should come with all the essentials for a day trip, including food and emergency supplies. And please, pack-out your trash and bring the resources you need to do so. Please follow the latest health guidance, stay at least six feet from others, and avoid gathering in large groups.

Not all the favorite spots in Bighorn National Forest will be open. After a recent uptick in COVID-19 cases in Bighorn County, Montana, the Ok-A-Beh Boat Launch – previously planned to be opened – will remain closed for Memorial Day weekend.

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