BuRec to Release More Water from Reservoirs
Written by Andrew-Rossi on December 19, 2017
The Wind River and Shoshone River will be rushing a little faster than usual beginning this week.
The Bureau of Reclamation will be releasing higher than normal flows in the Wind and Bighorn Rivers downstream of Boysen Dam, and also in the Shoshone River below Buffalo Bill Dam.
Fall reservoir storage has been very good following the record spring inflows this year into both Boysen and Buffalo Bill Reservoirs, according to Bureau officials – in fact, the inflows have been the highest they’ve seen in the last thirty years. As a result, the releases from both reservoirs will be higher than normal for the winter months.
The release from Boysen Reservoir to the Wind River will be approximately 1,250 cubic feet per second for the next few months, which is about 300 cfs above normal. And on Wednesday, the release from Buffalo Bill Reservoir to the Shoshone River is expected to be set at approximately 500 cfs, which is about 150 cfs above normal.
Wyoming Area Manager Carlie Ronca says that these water operations will have the added benefit of increased power generation, while still appropriately managing for this coming season’s irrigation water supply.