Cat Quarantine Over at Park County Animal Shelter | Big Horn Basin Media

Cat Quarantine Over at Park County Animal Shelter

Written by on November 25, 2019

Quarantine lifted! After three weeks of deep cleaning and lockup, the cats at the Park County Animal Shelter are once again free.

At the beginning of October, a litter of kittens came to the shelter with the fatal feline disease PARVO, which kills kittens and older cats with compromised immune systems. This led to the quarantine of the entire cat section of the shelter, as every inch of surface was cleaned to rid all traces of the disease. Valarie Svensrund, the operations manager at the shelter, says that everything went according to plan. No new outbreaks occurred and no other cats were ill.

Nobody is happier about the quarantine’s end than the cats; Svensrund says a few learned how to escape from their cages over the past few weeks. Now they are free to play and enjoy their time at the shelter until they find forever homes.

Svensrund wanted to take this time to once again remind everyone on the steps they can take to ensure the safety of their feline friends: vaccination. Kittens need three to four shots to ensure their immunity.

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