BHRN Featured Article | Big Horn Basin Media

BHRN Featured Article

Page: 28

Wyoming Congresswoman Harriet Hageman voted to overturn the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (A.T.F.) rule classifying all firearms with barrels under 16-inches and an attached stabilizing, or “pistol” brace as short-barreled rifles (S.B.R.). House Joint Resolution 44 was introduced in March and passed largely on a party-line 219-210 vote on Tuesday, June 13.…

Over 3 million people visit Yellowstone National Park every year to view the infamous geysers, beautiful landscapes and wildlife. So far this year, there have been numerous tourist caught on video interacting with the park’s wildlife in a negative way, but this wildlife interaction that was caught on video was truly incredible. With over half…

Anyone looking for a career in law enforcement will find plenty of “Now Hiring” signs in the Bighorn Basin. As of June 12, law enforcement agencies in all four counties of the Bighorn Basin are looking to fill important positions. The Park County Sheriff’s Office posted an opening for a lateral Patrol Deputy in mid-May.…

Cody residents might have noticed there’s been less activity at Cody VFW Post 2673. There’s a simple but significant reason why: suspension. According to the V.F.W.’s Post Suspension Guide, A Post suspension “is the Department Commander’s (State Commander Danielle Smith) tool for mandating corrective action to sustained Post deficiencies and provides a better opportunity to…

Cody residents moving through town Friday morning probably noticed people with maroon shirts lifting grates on Sheridan Avenue or emerging from the shade of blue spruce trees with bulging trash bags at Dacken Park. But these seemingly strange activities are signs that Cody Cares. After an unfortunate rain delay, The Cody Rotary Club‘s 2nd Annual…

The Wyoming Weed and Pest Council (W.W.P.C.) and the Wyoming Craft Brewers Guild are excited to partner again to help inform the public about invasive weeds and pests. During the third annual Wyoming Craft Beer Week from June 10 – June 17, participating breweries will release a West Coast IPA collaboration brew, with each brewery putting its unique…

Cody, Wyoming draws people from all walks of life with 300,000 to 400,000 people coming to this popular western town during the summer months. It is a beautiful destination for hiking enthusiasts especially. With its breathtaking views, diverse wildlife, and challenging trails, it is a must-visit for anyone who loves the outdoors. Cody is a…

The experience of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks has been forever changed by the influence and perversity of social media. While many may lament these changes, one benefit is that social media allows visitors to capture egregious incidents in the parks – and nearly always leads to the identification and punishment of the perpetrators.…

This week’s episode of Music Spotlight features Mike Voss and Brett Spaulding of ” The BusKings!” They are a local cover band that you can catch playing shows around town at The Colonel, The Irma Hotel, and Cassies Steakhouse! From Stevie Ray Vaughan to Merle Haggard, these guys know how to get people on the…

The Wyoming Highway Patrol is clear: any amount of drugs and or alcohol in the cab or sleeper area of the truck is strictly prohibited. A recent encounter near Cody is a reminder of the consequences should anything be found in their vehicle. On Tuesday afternoon, a traffic stop was conducted on a commercial vehicle…

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