Park County Republican Chair Change | Big Horn Basin Media

Change in Leadership for Park County Republicans

Written by on September 26, 2017

Tim Mahieu has stepped down from the chairmanship of the Park County Republican Party. Martin Kimmet has taken over the helm of the organization.
Mahieu says that his decision was for personal reasons, citing his new business as well as family and church obligations.

Martin Kimmet grew up in northern Montana and says he has been involved in agriculture his whole life, although he has always been interested in politics. He says his years spent living in Australia renewed his sense of patriotism for his home country.

Kimmet says his attitude of “God first, Country second” guides his political views. He calls himself a conservative, but believes everyone should be open minded. He says as Chairman of the Park County Republicans, he is open to compromise on some issues, but will take a hard stand on others.
He says he will soon be scheduling regular meetings for the organization.

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