City Approves Old Trail Town Improvements | Big Horn Basin Media

City Approves Old Trail Town Improvements

Written by on July 18, 2019

The City of Cody is helping to improve Old Trail Town.

On Tuesday, the City Council approved the signing a Memorandum of Understanding – MOU — between the Friends of Park County History, The Museum of the Old West (Trail Town) and the City of Cody, that outlines expectations and procedures related to a proposed property trade, associated lease amendment and a construction of restroom facility and a new water main.

Public Works Director Phillip Bowman says this was the start of what will next be a site planning process for a restroom facility, as well as starting construction on a water line extension to have better fire protection in place for the old Trail Town buildings.

Although only about a 20-minute meeting Tuesday evening, Bowman says the Cody City Council also approved the bid for the Wastewater Treatment Facility, Phase 2 Treatment Process Upgrade.

The next meeting scheduled for the Cody City Council is a Special Work Session at 5:00 p.m. on  Tuesday, July 23rd.

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