Cody School Board Candidates Share Their Priorities

Cody School Board Candidates Share Their Priorities for Park County School District #6

Written by on September 28, 2022

The priorities of the candidates for Park County School District #6’s Board of Trustees have been published, as each candidate shared why they want a seat and a say in Cody’s public education.

One of the races on the ballot in the 2022 General Election is the Park County School District #6 Board of Trustees. Six candidates are vying for three option positions on the board.

Incumbents Brandi Nelson, Cathy Roes, and Karen Schipfmann-Nielson are all seeking an additional term on the board. Their challengers are Bob Berry, Billy Struemke, and Samantha Gbadamosi.

As part of the election cycle, the Cody Education Association (C.E.A.) reached out to all six candidates for the board. Each candidate was given the same five questions and asked to respond in 100 words or less.

The questions were:

  1. Why are you running for the Park County School District 6 Board of Education?
  2. What are your top three priorities for Park 6?
  3. How will you develop a strong staff across Park 6?
  4. How would you determine the budget priorities?
  5. If elected, how will you be an effective school board trustee?

Below are the responses to Question #5 from five candidates. Unfortunately, the sixth candidate Samantha Gbadamosi did not respond to the inquiry.

You can read the candidates’ responses to each question on the Cody Education Association website.

Park County School District #6 logo

Park County School District #6 logo

“If elected, how will you be an effective school board trustee?”

Bob Berry

I shall not rubber stamp superintendent policy. Manage the money wisely and demand that the bar be set as high as possible for student achievement. If you pass, you pass. If you fail, you fail. It is the students’ responsibility to set high goals for themselves. It is the teacher’s responsibility to nurture and guide inquisitive minds. It is the Trustees’ responsibility to establish and maintain an academic atmosphere where students learn how to learn and how to think, not what to think. Socrates said it best, “I cannot teach anybody anything; I can only teach them to think.”

Brandi Nelson

I have a passion for kids.  My focus as a trustee has been, and always will be, on our students.  I am open-minded, diplomatic, and a good listener.  I have the gift of time and will use it to fulfill the trustee obligations to the best of my ability.  Professional development and training are essential, and I will continue to improve my skills as a board member and a leader by seeking those opportunities.  I will cultivate positive relationships within the district and be available to our community and stakeholders.

Cathy Roes

I will continue to seek out training whenever possible, take input and questions from staff, as well as focus on improving the District not just for Students but also for Staff. My current work should be an indication of how I plan to work going forward, except this time I have the experience and training under my best to be an even more effective Trustee.

Karen Schipfmann-Nielson

I can keep my head down and continue to do the work of reviewing and updating policies while supporting our new Superintendent and all Staff.  I am a good listener but can also talk when necessary or when I am passionate about an issue.  I play well with others and know that a good team doesn’t always have to agree when working together to achieve a common goal.  I am a product of public education and believe strongly that good schools create good communities.

Billy Struemke

I will work tirelessly to ensure that the voice of the community is heard. The school board is an elected representation of the community at large and an oversight for the district. I will take the opinion of all interested parties into account, while holding to the ideal that all actions should ultimately equate back to the betterment of the student body.

The Cody Education Association (C.E.A.) is “a professional organization representing the dedicated staff of Park County School District 6 in Park County, Wyoming. We are passionate about creating the best possible outcomes for the students in our district. The C.E.A. accomplishes this by advocating for the staff at all district levels and providing a wide range of opportunities to our members.”

The 2022 General Election will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 8.

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