Western States Gain $25.5 Million for Water Projects

Eight Western States to Receive $25.5 Million for Water Efficiency Projects as Part of Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

Written by on June 21, 2022

Today, the Department of the Interior announced “$25.5 million” in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds for “WaterSMART Water and Energy Efficiency Grants” in an effort to “safeguard local water supplies” in the face of severe western drought.

A canal running through central Washington. Fourteen projects in eight states will receive $25.5 million in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding, courtesy of Bureau of Reclamation.

Eight western states will be awarded funding for fourteen projects to “help local communities improve water use efficiency” by lining canals, upgrading water meters, installing automated gates to control water flow, and other infrastructure improvements.

The projects are anticipated to save more than 12 billion gallons of water annually – enough to fill roughly “880,000” swimming pools – through reductions in residential water use and various improvements to increase irrigation efficiency. Two of the projects will also receive funding for solar energy installations to power the affiliated water facility and water district buildings. Including non-federal funding contributions, the projects represent more than $130 million in water management improvements.

“Through President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, we are making a historic investment in drought resilience and water infrastructure to help more families, farmers and Tribes gain access to clean water,” Assistant Secretary for Water and Science Tanya Trujillo says. “The WaterSMART Water and Energy Efficiency Grants will help communities conserve and use water more efficiently, increase the production of hydropower and help us tackle historic drought.”

“Delivering water more efficiently is key to helping Western communities become more resilient to drought. These community-led projects are an example of how the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law supports our work to minimize drought impacts and develop long-term solutions to facilitate water conservation and economic growth.” Commissioner Camille Calimlim Touton says. “These grants represent a once in a generation opportunity to meet the long-term adaptation for drought and a changing climate.”

The President’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law allocates “$8.3 billion” for Bureau of Reclamation water infrastructure projects to repair aging water delivery systems, secure dams, complete rural water projects, protect aquatic ecosystems and fulfill Indian Water Rights Settlements. The funding announced today is part of the $160 million in WaterSMART grants provided by the Law in 2022. Local Governments in eight states set to receive funding must complete their project within three years.

The projects selected include the following:

Recipient State Title Federal Funding
City of Corona CA Advanced Metering Infrastructure Program $2 million
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California CA Regional Public Agency Turf Replacement Program $2 million
North Kern Water Storage District CA Calloway Canal Lining $2 million
City of Rialto CA Advanced Metering Infrastructure Implementation Project $2 million
Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency CA Automated Metering Infrastructure Project (Phase 1) $2 million
Sutter Mutual Water Company CA Irrigation Efficiency Upgrades and Water Savings SCADA and Automated Water Delivery Systems $1 million
City of Greeley CO Greeley AMI Meter Installation Project $2 million
North Side Pumping Company ID Pumping Plant Elimination and Canal Abandonment Project $2 million
City of Norman/Norman Utilities Authority OK Norman Utilities Authority Advanced Metering Infrastructure Implementation Project $2 million
El Paso County Water Improvement District No. 1 TX Riverside Canal Concrete Lining Project (Phase IV) $1 million
Davis & Weber Counties Canal Company UT Canal Enclosure and Solar Energy Project $1.5 million
Weber Basin Water Conservancy District UT Upper Willard Canal Lining Project (Phase 8) $2 million
Kennewick Irrigation District WA 2022 Canal Lining and Water Conservation Project $2 million
Owl Creek Irrigation District WY Owl Creek Irrigation District Water Delivery and Efficiency Improvement Project $2 million

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