Event Tonight Focuses on Money and Politics
Written by Andrew-Rossi on April 19, 2018
According to former Senator Al Simpson, money’s dominance over politics is the number one issue our nation faces.
And that topic is the focus of a gathering tonight at Christ Episcopal Church in Cody, titled “Learn How Big Money and Anonymous Donors are Corrupting American Politics – and What You Can Do About It.”
Lynn Horton Morrison, who will be the moderator for tonight’s event and is the vice chair for Wyoming Promise, says that the group is looking to get public support for a movement that would restore fairness to the election process and get big money out of politics.
The event has drawn both state and national attention. Ken Chestek, the chair of the state organization, Wyoming Promise, will be attending, as will the president of the national group American Promise. Jeff Clements is based out of Boston, and is the author of a book titled, “Corporations Are Not People.”
Morrison says that their purpose is to get enough signatures on a petition that would support a state resolution, to the end that an amendment to the US constitution Could be drawn up that would force corporate money out of the political picture.
The event this evening is at 6 p.m. and is free to the public, offering a meal of homemade soup and bread to attendees. Anyone with questions is encouraged to call Lynn Horton Morrison at (307) 754-7042.