Park Service Offers Fee Free Day | Big Horn Basin Media

Fee Free Day Saturday at Park Service Sites

Written by on September 27, 2017

The weekend forecast is looking good – so you might want to take advantage of the fee-free day at all National Park Service locations.
Saturday, September 30th, is National Public Lands Day. Entrance fees are waived at all NPS sites that charge an entrance fee, including Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area and Yellowstone National Park.
Christy Fleming with Bighorn Canyon says the leaves are changing, which means a colorful drive through the park or ride on the lake. However, she cautions that with the changing weather, some facilities at Bighorn Canyon are closed or will soon be closed for the winter. The water at Horseshoe Bend Campground has been turned off, although all campgrounds are open year-round.
The courtesy docks at Horseshoe Bend, Ok-A-Beh and Barry’s Landing will remain in the water until the lake starts to freeze, but Ok-A-Beh Marina closes for the season on September 30th, so all boats on the concession docks are to be removed by October 1st.
– Photo Courtesy of Shoshone National Forest North Zone Forester Santiago Garcia – from our Clarks Fork District.

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