Free Dinner and Hunting Seminar | Big Horn Basin Media

Free Dinner and Hunting Seminar

Written by on January 19, 2022

Coming up Sunday, January 30th, 5:30 – 8:00 p.m., First Baptist Church of Thermopolis sponsors its 2nd Annual Sportsman’s Dinner & Seminar with guest speaker Chad Schearer.

Schearer is a nationally known hunter and hunting training, whose programs and speaking engagement information can be found at Two interviews from KWOR Radio provide details about this free program being held at the Thermopolis First Baptist Church, the first featuring event organizer Pastor Caleb:

You can also hear from the event’s speaker by listening to Chad Schearer’s KWOR interview:

As his web site says, “Chad is a World Champion Elk Caller and 2 time Eastern US Elk Calling Champion. Chad is also a Licensed Montana Professional Outfitter and Guide.” Further, the web site notes his wife Marsha contributes equally to ShootStraightTV, saying she “has been a licensed Montana Guide for over 19 years and has spent over 500 nights in a tent. Marsha was the first lady to be put on the CVA pro staff and has hunted and fished around the world.”  The Sportsman’s Dinner & Seminar on January 30th starts at 5:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church with dinner, followed by door prizes and the seminar.

You can also see more at the First Baptist Church of Thermopolis’ Facebook page.

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