Grizzly Protections Denied | Big Horn Basin Media

Grizzly Protections Denied

Written by on April 30, 2018

U.S. officials say they will not restore federal protections for Yellowstone-area grizzly bears despite a court ruling that called into question the government’s rationale for placing the animals under state management.
Friday’s announcement follows a months-long review of a decision last year to lift the protections for about 700 bears in and around Yellowstone National Park.
The review was launched after a federal appeals court said that wildlife officials needed to give more consideration to how a species’ loss of historical habitat affects its recovery.
Grizzly bears have recovered from widespread extermination in some areas but remain absent from most of their historical range.
Wyoming and Idaho plan to allow hunts for a small number of grizzly bears this fall. Montana officials decided against a hunt this year.

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