Homicide Victim and Shooter Identified
Written by Andrew-Rossi on August 29, 2017
The Park County Sheriff’s Office has identified the victim and shooter in a domestic homicide in Powell Saturday.
64 year old David Williamson was arrested on charges of second degree murder in the death of his wife, Shirley, Saturday. The arrest came after Sheriff’s deputies responded to their residence on Lane 11 based on an early morning 911 call that Williamson made stating that quote, “my wife is dead, send the cops.” Endquote.
Deputy Lance Mathess says that Williamson was calmly sitting on the front porch when law enforcement and emergency services arrived, and directed the deputies to where they could find his wife.
The report noted that a handgun was lying on the bed at the woman’s feet.
David Williamson is currently being held in the Park County Detention Center awaiting a preliminary hearing.